Ping Lian is a Malaysian who residing in Sydney, Australia. He started out as a hyperactive boy living in his own world without affection or awareness of danger, and was unable to hold a pencil to write or use a scissor to cut. To strengthen and develop his fine motor skills, Ping Lian’s home program focused on tracing and coloring activities. These also helped to occupy him given that he was unable to appropriately engage in any leisure or socialization skills. Eventually, tracing was the catalyst for discovering his exceptional art talent.
Ping Lian is now a talented artist full of love and affection. Through his mother’s perseverance, he has also been nurtured into an obedient, hardworking, and grateful boy. He may still be limited in his communication and social skills, but art is his outlet of vivid expression. In fact, many art enthusiasts and collectors have been won over by his unique style of bold strokes and cheerful colours. Ping Lian continues to create magnificent works of art using charcoal, acrylic, water color, ink and oil. His art works have been featured in exhibitions in the United States, UK, Australia, Germany, Japan and Malaysia.
Find out more about Ping Lian here!
To contact Ping Lian directly, please write to: Sarah Lee at [email protected]